Senior Workers: Four Types of Age Discrimination to Recognize at Your Job

7 November 2016
 Categories: Law, Articles

Getting work as a senior is essential for many Americans who cannot live off of social-security payments or need more income to support their lifestyle. Going back into the workforce may require you to change careers or start jobs with much younger employees. While your work performance should be based strictly on your age, there may be times where you face discrimination based on just your age alone. Your age should not be a factor in work decisions or the treatment that you experience. Suffering through work discrimination is not a fun experience, but it's important to recognize these elements while working. If you are being discriminated against, then a discrimination attorney can be hired to represent your case. Using legal knowledge and resources, a legal professional can go a long way in presenting your case and getting you the fair treatment that you deserve.

Employee Raises and Promotions

The treatment that you receive at work should be based solely on your skills and ability to move up in the business. If other employees are chosen for raises and promotions because they are younger, that is simply not fair. If you've been working in your position for a while and feel like you are being held back at your job, then a discrimination lawyer can help represent your case. One of the main ways to do this is by comparing your work to that of another employee. This includes employee evaluations, the time in your position, and the extra skills you have obtained to thrive in that position. A lawyer can help prove that you deserved the promotion and help get you compensation for missed raises. Other employees may also vouch for your skills and talents on the job. This can make a huge difference on your ability to prove the discrimination and get treated the way you should be.

Work Tasks

Because of your older age, many employers may treat you like a retired senior citizen rather than a contributing member of the workforce. This type of discrimination can be made obvious through the work tasks that you are assigned. For example, if you work at a fast-food restaurant, you may assigned menial tasks like stocking or wiping down tables instead of cooking or taking customer orders. It's also important to understand the job you are hired for. If you are not being asked to complete the jobs that you're supposed to, you may be being discriminated against because of your age. By creating a list of tasks assigned by you or tasks you're not allowed to do, a lawyer can help build a case and prove the discrimination.


Getting fired or laid off from work can be a stressful time, especially if you a senior worker. It may be harder to find new jobs and retain a weekly paycheck. The reasoning behind your firing is an important aspect of a discrimination case. If you feel like you were fired because of your age, then a lawyer may have a case. Proving this case can be done through interviews, evidence, and filings about the layoffs. If you've done your job and followed orders, then your layoff or firing may be determined to be unreasonable.

Harassment and Treatment

Some discrimination may be more obvious than others. This is the case when dealing with harassment and treatment of senior employees. If co-workers or bosses are constantly commenting on your age or putting you down because of it, then you may be getting discriminated against. This discrimination should not be tolerated in the workforce. It can impact your job performance and lead to a number of emotional damages. A lawyer can help defend you and seek a settlement for the harm that has been done. This includes missed work funds and damages paid for emotional harm.

Discrimination can be a touchy subject. This is why it's important for workers to seek legal advice and help before making any decisions on their own. Consult a firm like Law Office of Faye Riva Cohen, P.C. for more personalized advice. 
