After The Collision: What Should You Do?

13 December 2019
 Categories: Law, Blog

When a car crashes into you, you will likely react emotionally, particularly if you are hurt. While this is a natural response, it is important that you try to stay as calm as possible to get through the aftermath of the accident. Before you have a chance to meet with your personal injury attorney, you have to take it upon yourself to gather as much evidence and documentation as possible. The following are some things you should consider doing:

Tell Your Side of the Story

After an accident, you may speak briefly to the other driver or witnesses who are still around. You can make small talk, but you have to be careful as to what you say. You will also speak to the responding police officer. You should only provide the details to the police officer. You should not say anything that makes you appear liable for the accident, even if it is blatantly obvious that you were the one who was hit. As you tell your story, be factual about what happened. Do not try to speculate fault.

Preserve Your Own Evidence

Some of the most important evidence after a car accident will soon be swept away to clear up the roadway. You have to take it upon yourself to preserve as much of that evidence as possible. If you are too hurt, have someone meet you at the scene to collect the evidence. If nothing else, take some pictures and video footage with your phone. The police officer will document the evidence, but it is helpful to your case if you have some additional evidence to back up the police report.

Gather Identification Information

If at all possible, make every effort to identify the person who hit you. Although you both should stick around the accident scene, you cannot make another driver stay. If you do not know his or her identity, there is no way you can seek compensation for your damages.

If the other driver will not provide you with identification, take a picture of the car and the license plate. This way, you will have some information on hand to potentially find the driver later on.

If you are in an accident with another driver, attempt to remain as level-headed as you can. This is a difficult time, but with calmness and perseverance, you can substantially increase the likelihood of a positive outcome when you make your claim. Reach out to a law firm like that of Carter & Fulton, P.S. to get help.
